This is an online portfolio. If you're here, you are likely either a friend of mine or a prospective literary agent whom I have guided to this site. If you are neither and you stumbled upon this page randomly, then you are lost- terribly, deeply, irredeemably lost and you may want to look hard at how frequently, and aimlessly, you search the web.

Regardless, please feel welcome and free to browse. New content is posted whenever I can summon the inclination that someone might read it, so, monthly or daily. I hope that you, any of you, find something worth reading here.

This site contains verse parables, prose philosophy and satirical advice for the world at large so you may actually use it as a life guide if you see fit. Go forth. You have my blessing.

Still here... Alright, you've earned this: The key to happiness in life is to learn how to manage your cognitive dissonance (see The Keeper of Secrets above). Once you realize that, everything else becomes easier. Thanks for reading this far. Why not go a littler farther? Eh? Eh? Alright, talk to you soon.